Policies | Square Eye


We try and keep our policies lightweight and easy to understand.


Normally an agreement between us is formed like this:  we submit a proposal to you, using the online proposal tool Better Proposals.  It may be for a single item or package, or have multiple choice options for you to choose from.  The proposal will refer to the Terms & Conditions available on this page.

You select the appropriate options and accept the proposal using an online signature process;  in doing so, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions, to the detail of the proposal and any additional conditions that may be described there.  In return, we agree to deliver the work described, at the listed price.

Terms & conditions

See our Terms & Conditions (last updated 22 Nov 2022).


On most design-and-build projects, we bill our fee across three monthly invoices of 50%, 25% and 25%.  We ask for the first invoice to be paid before we commence work, and the others to be paid no later than 30 days after they are issued.  On longer projects or where other circumstances dictate, we may agree a different set of billing stages with you.

Ongoing support & marketing fees are usually billed quarterly in advance.  However, the commitment is only ever for one month at a time.  If you wish to make changes during a quarter which has already been invoiced, we will make the necessary adjustments in the subsequent bill, issuing a refund if needed.   Please let us know by the 21st of the month to change or cancel your package for the following month.

Disbursements: From time to time we incur 3rd party expenses on your behalf, when using tools & services that we think would benefit your website or digital marking.  Where additional costs are involved, we’ll clear them with you first.  You may pay the costs directly or, if you prefer, we will pay on your behalf and charge you the cost + a 20% administration fee.

Payment methods:  we accept payment by credit card (using PayPal or Stripe), bank transfer, direct debit (using GoCardless) or (less preferably) cheque.  If you are late with two consecutive support package payments, or at our discretion, we may ask you to use direct debit for future payments.


In the unusual case that you are not happy with our work, or feel we have failed to meet the terms of our agreement in some way, please talk to us in the first instance and we’ll try and make it right.  If you prefer to discuss with someone who is not your immediate contact, please email Bob Sheridan at [email protected].  If things get truly awkward, our solicitors are Magrath LLP, Newman Street, London W1T 3EQ.